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Home Designs of Hucksville - "Lettermonial" (Sales Letter/Testimonial)

 Beat the Housing Market Blues with A Contractor You Can Trust So Much, You’ll Invite Them to Your Home for Any Holiday!

If your head is spinning from the election, The Fed, the stock market, unemployment reports, and the latest punch…home loan rates at, or exceeding 6%, buyers may be reluctant to purchase a home.

This means, if you are or were thinking of selling your home, you’ve made the smart choice of slowing things down. Perhaps, you’re considering sprucing up the place for yourself and riding out whatever this period of financial uncertainty brings you. 


Dear Neighbor,

There’s no other way to put this. I wanted out of my house so bad that I was willing to sell it “as is” with an outdated master bathroom. I was done. Moving seemed like the best thing for me until I checked out the market.

The rates for mortgages started rising. I felt like I was being painted into a corner. I wanted out of my house, but the numbers weren’t adding up to buy something new. I made the decision to stay, but I wanted something more livable, especially that master bathroom.

Before I continue, it must be known that I hate…no, I HATE contractors. I guess not all of them are bad. But the ones I’ve had were absolutely terrible. Money-hungry, unprofessional, and sloppy.

I even had one guy threaten to walk off my project because I caught him trying to use the wrong color for my basement!

Anyway, I needed this bathroom done so I asked around and a friend mentioned a contractor. She swore up and down that they were trustworthy, affordable, neat, and professional. I told her she was nuts, bat-poop crazy, you know. Or they hypnotized her when they gave her the estimate.

She wasn’t kidding. She showed me their work in her house. Gorgeous! She even remembered every worker’s name that worked on her house. Sounds almost like they became family during her project.

These Guys Better Be Good or I’m Gonna Scream!

After a week or two of thinking on it and calling a few places, I gave my friend’s contractor a call.

I explained my bathroom situation and, surprisingly, they were very friendly and professional on the phone. Okay, okay…I’ll take another chance with a contractor. Maybe, after I see their estimate.

They arrived at my home looking very neat and clean.  They took measurements, asked questions, explained the work method…I mean, after all that, I was ready to hire them on the spot. But I needed to see the price first.

Of course, you don’t get anything for free these days except bad advice and complaints. The quote was steep because I added some upgrades, but the whole thing fit my budget. Bonus!

The foreman introduced himself and everyone on the crew before work started. That was a nice touch and I gotta say, it was a bit classy of these guys to do that. It was nice to know exactly who was walking around the house working.

The Whole House Came Tumbling Down or So I thought Anyway

Listen, my bathroom now is to die for, honestly. But let me tell you, when they ripped out the old one, I thought my house would be a pile of splintered wood.  Banging, smashing, ripping…at one point, I ran from my living room to see if they crashed through my bedroom wall. 

They didn’t, thank goodness.

But the mess was insane. Pieces of wall and tile were everywhere. Even the toilet was smashed to bits.  Then the guys moved like a conveyor belt bringing piece by piece of the old bathroom through the house outside to the dumpster.

I thought for sure I’d be getting some money off my bill for damage.

But wouldn’t you know…not a scratch. And trust me, I checked!

Now, let me tell you about the mess they left behind each day.



Not a speck of dirt or dust…anywhere!

Of course, I should’ve been happy. But I was annoyed these guys cleaned my house better than me!

You Came This Far…You Gotta Stay for the Results

All my worries were crushed when they revealed my new bathroom. 

The tile.

The shower. (The custom bench was extra and boy, is it perfect!)

The double sinks…Just gorgeous.

And the fan…oh my goodness, the old, loud, and annoying exhaust fan was replaced by a new one you can barely hear. Love it!

I swear I could live here another 20 years with a bathroom like this!

Then I invited my friend that recommended these guys over to take a look. She said my work looked better than hers, which was absolutely spectacular.

She may have been a little jealous even, but hey, that’s her problem.

I’m kidding. She was delighted things worked out for both of us.

Before You Hire, You Have to Fire…

I’m more than happy to share who did this wonderful work. But first, you need to know a few things before you hire these guys.

1.       Get three (3) estimates on your project. These guys plus two more. You can always get more than three, but that’s your choice.

2.       Ask all, and I mean every, question you can think of. Don’t assume ANYTHING.

3.       Listen to how each company arrives and greets you.

4.       Pay attention to how each company addresses your concerns.

5.       Here’s the kicker…See which company offers to check in after the work is done and paid in full. And I’m not talking about the 12-month warranty. I mean, they care about you after the job is done.

These are five things to think about for your next project. Make sure the guys who did my bathroom are one of your estimates.

After meeting with each company, “fire” the ones that fail to address any of the items mentioned above…before they even touch your house.

I’m all but certain you’ll hire Home Designs of Hucksville!

I did. And I bet they’ll do amazing work for you, too.

If you choose to stay, improve your home the right way with Home Designs of Hucksville.

Call them today for a free estimate on your next project.

Here’s the number: xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Good luck!


Florence P.

Happy Homeowner



Don’t believe me? Call other companies for estimates and see for yourself.

My crew from Home Designs of Hucksville is welcome to our home for any holiday!


Here’s their number again, xxx-xxx-xxxx.


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