Dear Friend and Neighbor, This may be a strange way for us to meet. Don’t new neighbors just knock on your door with big smiles and a dried-out casserole? Fortunately, I’ll save you that trip to the front door and casseroles aren’t my thing. If you continue reading, there could be foods far more delicious than dried-out casserole in your future, but more on that later. The purpose of this letter is to ask you two questions: Why would you give up your comfortable sofa and smart TV for overpriced food and drinks…and a movie? What's so special about a bar that shows movies in a theater? Pretty straightforward, right? C’mon, let’s find out the answers! The Answer to Question 1 is: Because Humans Need Experiences! That’s how you live and learn in life. Some people go skydiving and live to talk about it…when their parachute deploys properly. That sounds extreme, but you get the point. Some people go on c...